Sunday, December 12, 2010


1.From reading both websites they each argue against each other using the issue of rights against killing an unborn.  In the government prospective the laws seem to favor The National Right to Life and it seems that the NARAL Prochoice America group always must fight because laws restrict women’s rights and the abortion clinics are decreasing. With bills being passed Abortion is getting tougher especially for women that are; Medicaid patients, Peace Corps volunteers, Native Americans, Federal Prison inmates, Military soldiers and employees of the federal government.   The NARAL makes good points against the opposition to favor there situation. Things such as Violent Tactics, Crisis Pregnancy centers and Personhood shown by pro life supports hurts the pro life movement where the NARAL is trying to make a change with the law not using violent tactics. It seems that Abortion is losing in the debate where Abortion Clinics are closing down and laws are being passed. After reading both sites information my option does not change because women must have the right to choose if they want to keep the baby not the government or other organizations. Whether it was a mistake or rape if a women cannot support a child she must have the option to have an abortion.
2.As a student in high school the right of an abortion can have a significant effect on one’s life. An abortion may kill an unborn but will save the life of the teenager. A mistake that happened in high school should not jeopardize the women from not going to college and having to support a child when clearly she is not ready.  It is hard to make a decision on your own and I think Parents should have a right to know what their daughter is doing with the baby. The parents know more than the kids and could put a different prospective in the mindset of their child. I believe parents should have the right to consent because they A, have legal ownership of their daughter, and B, have more knowledge and have raised a kid before.
3.I believe the father should be notified of the decision of the female having  a abortion because the male is a part of the baby’s life. Rather the baby was to live or die the father still has a connection to the baby and should be able to know if his future son will live or die. The father absolute doesn’t have to have consent because he does not know the suffering of child birth and the 9 months process. Caring the baby and taking care of it is the women’s decision and she does not need the father’s acceptance of her decision.
4.Even though Illinois has a ban on abortion they do help the low income women, and is strong on women’s rights. I disagree on their abortion laws because Illinois population is very large and some women who want an abortion struggle to find a place that will carry out the proceeded. I want Illinois to become a state allowing abortion and hopefully one day they can help the women in need.