Monday, March 14, 2011


Dating back to slavery race and racism towards African Americans was an issue in which African Americans had to face discrimination on a daily basis. Today the discrimination is to a lesser consent but still exist. Not only do African Americans be treated unfairly but with more immigrants living in America Latinos are becoming the new race that is being discriminated. But the discrimination is not always negative as America is being to adapt to the new society. Television shows such as Dora the Explorer on Nickelodeon who is a Spanish speaking character brings a new version of integrating and focusing on children who may be minorities. With more minorities coming, the racism will decrease. As America deals with issues towards Latinos, African Americans still face problems of racism today. From reading Andrew Hacker and Tim Wise's articles both have similar ideas agreeing that blacks are mistreated. Stereotypes and racial profiling are common among the racism America shows towards blacks. Acts of negative connotations, false accusations, hate read and violence have occurred to the African American race. When taking the test in the hidden bias my test results found that I was somewhat to a little racist towards the African American race. The results said that I showed a quicker reaction time when seen positive words connecting with the race of white. I was surprised with my test results because I do not think I am racist towards African Americans but giving characteristics it did show that the white faces where easier to identify positive traits than the blacks. Racism in America must stop so everyone can be treated fairly.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Trial 1- In Trial 1, the case of two college students and the event of rape occurred. A college student was in a relationship with a female for a long period of time. After a party they both went back to the male’s dorm room and after a night of drinking began to kiss. When the male wanted to have sex with the female she resisted and tried to leave. The man ripped her shirt and pulled her back onto the bed. When she walked out after she was raped she saw a picture of the male and another female. The picture had a reference to marriage and this upset the female. Later that week the female sued the male for rape.
The verdict was reached with unanimous decision. In the favor of the male, the jury found that she was not raped. Key facts that helped the male included: she went back to bed with him and kissed him, they had been dating before and had sex, she was jealous of the other women in the photo and a strong closing argument. I was surprised that she did not win because it seemed she had clearly been raped. With a bruise on her arm, a ripped shirt and many emotional symptoms of a rape victim it seemed that the man indeed committed the crime. To reach an opposite outcome I would have to know for sure that the women was mad at the picture and that her number one motive was to set the man up. If there were facts that showed her hate for the women in the picture my decision would have changed.

Trial 2- In Trial 2 with the case of Elyse Roberts’s v. The Felony Bureau Office, Elyse Roberts attempted to sue the Bureau for Sexual Harassment from the offender Kevin Murphy.  Kevin Murphy countlessly harassed Elyse by joking with her and making her feel uncomfortable.  Elyse went through the process through the office complaining to Fran Troy and Sandy Yu.
When the verdict came out Elyse, did not win the case in a vote of 7-2. Reasons that see did not win where from the lack of evidence that her work was poor from Kevin and that Ms.Guzman did not report any harassment going on. I was surprised by the verdict found Elyse had not been harassed after she clearly was. Kevin told Elyse jokes that made her feel uncomfortable and clearly bothered her. She filed the complaint and completed the correct steps but still did not win. In order to change my view on the case I would need to know if Kevin was really attractive to Elyse and if he was really joking with her.

2. The issues of sexual harassment and date rape are big problems for women in the world today. Women must know how to prevent the situation if it every must occur and must tell someone. To my knowledge there is no date rape or sexual harassment at DHS but there may be some cyber bullying which could be in the category of sexual harassment. The culture of DHS detracts these problems by having strict rules and major punishments. If a problem like this comes up it should be address by a counselor or a person who knows the victim well.