Friday, September 24, 2010

Lohan goes to jail

In pop culture news Lindsey Lohan is going back to jail. With  a failed drug test Lohan is expected to be sentenced for 30 days. But is Jail the right place for her? Just a few months ago she went to jail and relapsed. Intense Rehab is the place for Lohan to go. In Jail she will be off the substance for a period of time and she has an addiction she can not control. Putting her behind bars is not going to kill the addiction.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Freedom of Religion Sept 22 2010

I belive religion should be banned from schools. School is a place to learn and religion is something that should happen outside of school. School have it wrong about the Pledge of allgince. In this pledge the word "God" is stated and this is wrong becasue some people do not belive. When the survey asked; Do you feel that the freedom to worship as one chooses applies to all religious groups regardless of how extreme their views are, or was it never meant to apply to religious groups that most people would consider extreme or fringe, 2010 61 percent of students voted YES. This percent should be 100 and this stat is saying that not every one agrees with all religions which can casue a conflict. School learning can be disrutpted is relgion has a factor therefore relgion in school should be banned. -BRad Gutmann

Thursday, September 16, 2010


The date reads 9-11. A call for help. But help was too late. On September 11th 2001 two airplanes were hijacked and flew into the world trade center. No one ever saw it coming. New York city, a city that represents the USA was in ruins.We had hear about terrorist attacks in other countries but now one though America would be apart of one. September 11 brought the USA together. Because of that event, America became more united and there feeling towards patriotism grew stronger. In 2010 we still remember this tragic day in US history.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Brad Blog 1.0

What is Speech Code? A speech code is any rule or regulation that limits, restricts, or bans speech beyond the strict legal limitations. This code has helped and hurt many students and is very popular on college campus. Speech Code is an important rule in today society because it prevents discrimination towards harassment. Speech Code is put into effect in colleges so kids can’t not get away with discrimmitory harassment, saying “i have the freedom of speech". So is this right? People opposing speech codes say that speech codes are part of general movement of political correctness. In my option speech codes is needed it colleges campus. Speech code bans discrimination, racism and prevents violence. a