Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Freedom of Religion Sept 22 2010

I belive religion should be banned from schools. School is a place to learn and religion is something that should happen outside of school. School have it wrong about the Pledge of allgince. In this pledge the word "God" is stated and this is wrong becasue some people do not belive. When the survey asked; Do you feel that the freedom to worship as one chooses applies to all religious groups regardless of how extreme their views are, or was it never meant to apply to religious groups that most people would consider extreme or fringe, 2010 61 percent of students voted YES. This percent should be 100 and this stat is saying that not every one agrees with all religions which can casue a conflict. School learning can be disrutpted is relgion has a factor therefore relgion in school should be banned. -BRad Gutmann

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