Monday, October 25, 2010

Nabozny v Podlesny : Bully

In class we watched the video Bullied, the story of Jamie Nabozny. Jamie was physically and mentally abused by classmates from elementary school all the way to high school. When he complained to the school principle in elementary school the Principal did not do anything and no punishment was brought onto the boys. When Jamie reached High School the problem only escalated and when he reported the bullying to the principle nothing was done. Jamie was scared for his life and ran away from home. Jamie parents could not afford a private education for their son and Jamie had to go back to his public school. Jamie was abused throughout his experience in high school and when he graduated he sued the school district for failing to protect him. Jamie won the case and won 1 million dollars. Following up on the event Jamie's courage to stand up to the School district led to the NASP leadership agreeing to sign onto the Amici Curiae Brief along with the National Association of Social Workers and other organizations.

This movie on Jamie Nabozny was a reality check and an important film. I am sure things similar to what Jamie experienced  happen on daily basis but kids are afraid to speak out. The problem is when kids do not express  their problem to either a parent or social worker some will become depressed and others will take their life like some in the past week.

At DHS I believe bullying is not a big issue but it still  may occur. I think at DHS the physical aspect of abuse is not occurring but maybe some emotional and tauting my be occurring. I think the bullying may happen from people joking around but the jokes may offend people. I also think specific groups are not targeted as being bullied but individuals are the one being made fun of.

Finding a solution for bullying is hard to come by as it happens uncontrollable. From cyber bullying on the Internet to text messages there is not a way schools can prevent the problems. Schools can prevent bullying happening in schools by having a zero tolerance for bullies and social workers.

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