Friday, May 13, 2011

pumped 4

In chapter 6 and 7 the author takes a break from steroids and talks about the dangers of other drugs. Before reading these chapters, I had some knowledge on the dangers of drugs but did not know some of the unknown side effects that can occur. As multiple drugs where explained, I wanted to focus on drugs that are more common to be seen in high school. One drug that is one of the most popular is alcohol.
Alcohol can affect children, adolescents w and maybe even people in their early twenties differently than it does adults. Alcohol is dangerous to teenagers in the aspect of the memory from the brain. Science has discovered that the brain is not fully developed until your mid 20’s and drinking alcohol can affect the memory and functionality. Also by drinking alcohol at a young age kids can gain a tolerance, where they feel the need to drink more alcohol. This habit can be deadly as alcohol poisoning and alcoholism can occur.
From learning the dangerous of alcohol I began to think that if school where testing for steroids to keep kids safe, then should they test for alcohol and other drugs. As steroids may not be as popular as other drugs a test put in place can prohibit students from the dangerous habit.

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